我司成立于2003年,从初期之鞋材加工发展至集成品鞋开发/生产/现货销售一条龙服务的企业.(可开发及生产各类运动鞋、休闲鞋 球鞋等;客人来样开发及生产;外贸鞋开发及接单生产;外贸鞋现货批发等业务)。经过这几年集体同仁的努力,已同欧美/中东等多个国家及地区的几十个客户建立稳定之业务来住.本公司将秉承诚信第一/质量第一/服务第一之经营宗旨竭诚为广大客户服务.
Shengfeng Footwear Ltd,Co,.was founded in 2003, developing from the shoes process in the initial time to be the service enterprice that integrates with production and sale now.We establish our trade office in 2004 and mainly deals with the service of foreign trade shoe orders,wholesale,retail and so on.By our several years joint efforts, we have established the stable long-term trade relationship with dozens of our customers from the Occident、Brazil、 Middle East etc. However,we will continue to hold the principle of "Credit Standing First、Top Quality and Service" to sever all of you with all our hearts.
Shengfeng Footwear Ltd,Co,.was founded in 2003, developing from the shoes process in the initial time to be the service enterprice that integrates with production and sale now.We establish our trade office in 2004 and mainly deals with the service of foreign trade shoe orders,wholesale,retail and so on.By our several years joint efforts, we have established the stable long-term trade relationship with dozens of our customers from the Occident、Brazil、 Middle East etc. However,we will continue to hold the principle of "Credit Standing First、Top Quality and Service" to sever all of you with all our hearts.
- 主要经营产品:
- 运动鞋 ; 休闲鞋 ; 板鞋 ; 跑鞋 ; 蓝球鞋 ; 登山鞋 ; 各类品牌鞋 ; 运动鞋各类鞋底
- 经营范围:
- 体育用品生产加工(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)
- 营业执照号码:
- 350304600001235
- 法人代表:
- 陈青松
- 成立时间:
- 2003-05-21
- 注册资本:
- 无需验资 (万元)
- 官方网站:
- 未提供
- 地址:莆田 莆田市荔城区西天尾镇荔园工业区
- 邮编:351110
- 电话:86 0594 2868353
- 厂长:林锋
- 手机:13950792869
- 传真:86 0594 2868353